Photo: Heather  Younger

Heather Younger

Founder and CEO Employee Fanatix


A diversity, equity and inclusion strategist, and the world’s leading expert on listening at work, she is the host of the Leadership with Heart Podcast. Heather is a regular contributor to Forbes and Fast Company and is the best-selling author of The 7 Intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty, which hit the top of the "Forbes Must-Read List for HR Professionals." Another best-selling book, The Art of Caring Leadership, teaches the radical power of caring support in leadership and in the workplace. Heather’s newest best-selling book, The Art of Active Listening equips your people with the interpersonal skills they need to make others feel seen, heard, and valued in every interaction. Active listening is the difference between thinking we understand what people want and knowing what they want.


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2024 NAR NXT,
The REALTOR® Experience

November 8-10  BOSTON, MA

Anaheim Convention Center

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sunny California!