
Nova Tower, GREEN

Broker-Owner/Partner Waypoint Brokers Collective Portland, ME


Nova Tower is a broker and partner at Waypoint Brokers Collective, based in Portland, Maine. As a practicing broker, Nova thrives on the accomplishment of positive transactional outcomes for her clients. Equally as fulfilling to Nova is her broader work as a business leader on a mission to advance sustainability in real estate. Sustainable real estate benefits the health, comfort, and financial wellbeing of our clients, improves climate resiliency in our communities, and supports growth in our economy. These are vital elements for a strong real estate market. In service to this mission, in 2023, Nova led Waypoint to become the first agency in Maine to be fully GREEN Designated, allowing Waypoint to provide enhanced services to buyers and sellers interested in home performance. 


Thanks for attending NAR NXT, see you next year!

2024 NAR NXT,
The REALTOR® Experience

November 8-10  BOSTON, MA

Anaheim Convention Center

Great seeing you in
sunny California!