

WCR Welcome, Keynote “The Symphony of Leadership Success” & Marketplace


Grab a bite to eat then get ready to start your day with our special guest speaker, Desmond Clark! A light breakfast will be served from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

The Symphony of Leadership Success

In "The Symphony of Leadership Success," Desmond draws from his book "Principles of Winning" to create a compelling keynote on mastering leadership. This keynote elucidates the critical areas leaders must harmonize to achieve excellence, likening the role of a leader to that of a symphony conductor. Through his five keys to achieving excellence—integrity (name and word), powerful relationships, commitment to greatness, self-motivation (no comparisons), and purposeful action—Clark illustrates how to foster trust, manage conflict, drive commitment, ensure accountability, and lock in on team results. Attendees will gain invaluable insights into orchestrating their teams to perform in unison, achieving extraordinary outcomes together.


Desmond  Clark
Bear Down Logistics