

Tackling Rising Insurance Costs


Dive into the causes and impacts of skyrocketing property insurance costs on residential and commercial properties and on affordable housing providers. Take a deep dive into the climate that’s creating insurance turmoil, the markets most affected, and why all is not lost. There are options. Our panel of experts, collectively experienced in managing properties of all asset classes, are excited to share what they’ve learned about finding and securing adequate coverage while mitigating costs. 

Learning objectives:

  • Review recent changes to property insurance availability and costs, rationale for premium increases, and how to find adequate property insurance while minimizing cost in the current insurance environment.
  • Delve into housing providers’ experience with policy renewals for residential and commercial properties, general premium liability, and excess/umbrella liability insurance.  
  • Learn about the advocacy work IREM is doing to address these property insurance challenges on Capitol Hill.


Dawn  Carpenter
2024 President-Elect
Mindy  Gronbeck
2024 Secretary/Treasurer
Libby  Ekre
2024 President