Call for Proposals
2025 NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience
November 14-16, 2025 | Houston, TX

Call for Proposals for 2025 NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience is Now Closed
Speaker Submission Process
The National Association of REALTORS® uses a speaker submission process to evaluate speakers for NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience. All speakers who are interested in being considered for a conference session time slot must complete an application.
NAR maintains a strict self-promotion policy. Speakers must agree to provide educational content only and not promote their product or services before, during or at the end of their speaker session. Speakers who are interested in promoting their products and services can exhibit at the NAR NXT Expo; contact the exhibition staff separately at Speakers chosen to participate who have products to promote may receive a discount on a booth.
Important note: NAR recommends submitting your application early to avoid any technical issues with its speaker submission portal. If you have not submitted a presentation through the speaker submission portal before, please scroll down to the bottom of the log in page, and click “No Profile? Click here to create a profile!” If you have questions, or if you have difficulty with the online submission process, email
Preparing to Submit a Proposal
- Presentation title and submission type.
- Relevant speaker(s) information.
- Takeaways: Please submit three key takeaways that will be used in the promotional copy for your session.
- Session Description: 75-word description of the session.
- Solution: What real estate industry problem does this session help solve?
- References: Indicate when and where you made your last three presentations. Include date, contact name, phone number and email along with the title of your presentation. (Do not include NAR conferences.)
- Topics: Choose up to three audiences and topic categories to label your session.
- Additional Information: Provide a link to a sample presentation video.
- Preview proposal before finalizing.
- Finalize and submit.
Presentation Guidelines
Session Formats
Evaluation Process
Each session proposal must be accompanied by a short speaker video that demonstrates presentation skills. Please ensure the video is a clip and not full-length, not to exceed three minutes. In addition, each proposal must demonstrate what industry problem your session proposal solves.
The 2025 Meeting & Conference Committee will review all submissions, and proposals will be evaluated by the following criteria:
- Well-defined session topic that is relevant to today’s real estate professional;
- Practical application of session material in a real estate business;
- Speaker’s level of knowledge and expertise in the session topic;
- Speaker credentials, including references;
- Speaker presentation style and teaching approach, which should be demonstrated in the video link you will provide.
Submitting a session proposal does not guarantee acceptance. Session proposals are reviewed based on the factors listed above. In some cases, session proposals that meet these requirements will also not be selected due to limited program space. We invite all speakers to resubmit proposals for the following year.
Acceptance and Notification Process
Speakers who are selected will receive a Speaker Agreement to review and sign, as well as a Speaker Checklist with planning information and deadlines.
Selected speakers agree to provide educational content only and must abide by NAR’s personal, product and services promotion specifications before, during and at the end of the session.
All speakers receive a complimentary Premier Access pass to the 2025 NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience and a free audio + slide recording of their education session after the event. Speakers with products or services to sell may receive a discount booth at the NAR NXT Expo. No additional compensation is provided.
All speakers are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses to NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience. NAR will provide instructions for registering for the event and booking hotel arrangements through the official registration system Maritz.
Session Scheduling
Education sessions for the 2025 NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience will be held in Houston, TX on November 14, 15, and 16. If your presentation is accepted, the NAR Education Team will verify your exact speaking date and the length of session and will work with you to develop your session accordingly.
Topics for NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience
The topics below are representative of the subjects presented at NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience:
- Managing your business in current market conditions;
- Inclusive strategies to increase your profitability;
- Being a better, inclusive people-leader;
- Tactics for growing your market share across diverse communities;
- Ways to diversify your business;
- Emboldening your brand in culturally responsible ways;
- Communications and relationship-building;
- Lead generation and sales techniques for a modern market;
- Diversity, equity and inclusion topics – including marketing methods, team management, etc;
- Motivational sessions with strategic takeaways;
- Risk management;
- Strategies for managing and growing teams.
You are welcome to submit any topic of your choice, if you feel it would appeal to a portion of the REALTOR® audience.
About the Event
Approximately 12,000 REALTORS® and guests attend the event for education, networking, motivation, and fun. Attendees come from a wide variety of real estate backgrounds, but they have one thing in common – they are successful in their marketplace. In fact, the typical conference attendee reports making twice as much income from real estate than the average NAR member. Our conference attendees are savvy businesspeople, looking to stay ahead of real estate technology trends, customer service, and legislative changes.