

WCR Welcome, Keynote “Ask Like an Auctioneer” & Marketplace


Ask Like an Auctioneer

Learn to think like an auctioneer so you can Ask Like an Auctioneer and never leave money or opportunity on the table again, ever.

We wring our hands over asking for money (and so many other things) on behalf of ourselves and our businesses. When we finally do ask, we ask for what we think we can get without really knowing what’s possible. The truth is we can ask for more, and ask until we’re certain we’re getting what the market or situation will bear. We can do this unapologetically and directly.

The program combines Dia's communications expertise with her impact hobby of auctioneering for women lead non profits and non profits benefiting women and girls. The bold and new approach empowers attendees to both ask for more AND get it using the mental model of auctioneering.


Chris Pelkola  Lee
2023 National President
Women's Council of REALTORS®
Dia  Bondi
Dia Bondi Communications

Thanks for attending NAR NXT, see you next year!

2024 NAR NXT,
The REALTOR® Experience

November 8-10  BOSTON, MA

Anaheim Convention Center

Great seeing you in
sunny California!